Leprechaun 4: In Space (1997): St. Patrick’s Day

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Ya’ll…. I don’t know if I can take this. It’s so bad… so so bad. And they’re in space so it’s not even very St. Patrick’s Day related other than the fact that there’s a leprechaun in it. This movie is set in space because why not right? Friday the 13th did it, may as well. The leprechaun is some kind of alien I guess and kidnaps a space princess to be his bride so he can kill her father and be king. And she’s cool with it because the leprechaun has gold.  The military group funded by, I shit you not, Dr. Mittenhand, goes out to stop them. I don’t know. It’s so hard to follow this plot. At one point Dr, Mittenhand mutates and shouts that he is now MITTENSPIDER and it’s the highlight of the film. I mean, it’s part of the franchise so if you’re watching the whole thing for St. Patrick’s day, you may as well. I just.. it’s not good or that St. Patrick’s Day-ish so maybe skip it if you like your brain.

Netflix available? No

Hulu available? No

Xfinity available? Yes

Holiday rating: 3 shamrocks

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